Sunday, April 26, 2015

Reverse Engineering

Today, we tried to see how reverse engineers do their work.  We got an Automoblox Car toy and took it apart to see how it functioned and how it was made.
We found that the car had:
4 wheels
1 4-seat base
4 seats
Back Base
Front Body
Wind ahield
4 Axles
Reverse Engineers use the information they gain by studying the parts of the item they dismantle to fix it or rebuild copies of it.
The car is made child friendly and is appealing to consumers because of it sturdy and realistic look.

Functionally, the Automoblox car's function is to roll and act like a car so children can dismantle it and rebuild it.  Thus, gives education to children about building and allowing them to play with toy cars.

The car is structurally designed to withstand all the damage a kid could do to it and is designed to look like a car.  The axles, wheels, and main body make the car have a realistuic sructure resembling actual cars.

If I could change the Automoblox design I would make the entire car smaller so that it is less heavy and not a threat to children. I would still keep the parts at a decent size because the parts are removable and children swallow the small removable parts.

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